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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!
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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

amended 草稿

Dear [Tenant's Attorney's Name],

I am writing to inform you that the total cost for repairing the damages to the rental property located at [Property Address], previously occupied by your client [Tenant’s Name], exceeds the damage deposit held. The repair costs have amounted to $[Total Amount], while the damage deposit is $[Deposit Amount]. Therefore, the outstanding balance your client owes is $XX00 (Restoration cost lesser damage deposit).

We reserve the right to pursue recovery of this balance through appropriate legal channels if necessary. Moreover, I demand that both your client and your office cease and desist from making any further claims regarding this matter. Should any claim be filed in court, kindly have the summons served to me at the following address:

[Your Name/Company Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Additionally, I would like to remind you not to represent your family members in this case, as this is a civil matter, and your practice focuses on [insert area of law]. I am concerned that your close relationship with my opposing party may compromise your professional judgment, as it could create a conflict of interest. Therefore, I intend to request that the court disqualify you and file a motion accordingly.

Please govern yourselves accordingly.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 房客要求退damage deposit, 但是房屋被破壞,修補費用大與damage deposit. 我們拒付deposit, 房客自家律師(老外)自家開清潔公司出了律師信。請問現在如何辦?
    • "Please have the summons delivered to me. Thank you."
    • 你违反租客法,本来就不可以收damage deposit,只能退还。损坏的事要另行解决。
      • 在合同上,雙方同意
        • 违法的条款,写了也是白写,无效的。 +1
        • 哦,你有可能不是在安省,其他省的情况我不知道。
    • 个人意见,如果保证金不是很大一笔数就算了,没必要不要打官司,很贵的 +3
    • 想知道有沒有遇到此類事,後續如果處理?找律師上小額法庭?
      • 看损害程度了,小事当无, move on
      • 这个事情,估计不用找律师,自己就够了。 +1
    • 草稿。 +1

      写封信,回答律师。EMAIL 给律师,并且挂号信寄走。

      [Your Name/Company Name]
      [Your Address]
      [City, State, ZIP Code]
      [Email Address]
      [Phone Number]


      [Tenant's Attorney's Name]
      [Attorney’s Firm Name]
      [Attorney's Address]
      [City, State, ZIP Code]

      Dear [Tenant's Attorney's Name],

      I am writing to inform you that the total cost for repairing the damages to the rental property located at [Property Address], previously occupied by your client [Tenant’s Name], exceeds the damage deposit held. The repair costs have amounted to $[Total Amount], while the damage deposit is $[Deposit Amount]. Therefore, the outstanding balance your client owes is $XX00 (Restoration cost lesser damage deposit).

      We reserve the right to pursue recovery of this balance through appropriate legal channels if necessary. Moreover, I demand that both your client and your office cease and desist from making any further claims regarding this matter. Should any claim be filed in court, kindly have the summons served to me at the following address:

      [Your Name/Company Name]
      [Your Address]
      [City, State, ZIP Code]

      Please govern yourselves accordingly.

      [Your Full Name]
      [Your Position, if applicable]
      [Your Company Name, if applicable]

      • 这个厉害👍 +1
      • 謝謝
    • 房子用久了自动破旧不能扣这个钱,这个钱只适用于租客故意损害房子 +1
      • 牆上有各類洞,油成不同顏色。外加廚房結構被改(沒有獲得同意)
        • 如果你留有租之前的照片,应该行。不过我估计厨房结构被改都是改好了,您这是占了便宜了。当然你也可以说我就是不喜欢,要花钱改回去
        • 墙上洞和不同颜色都是小事,房客走了本来也要粉刷的,可以不计较。厨房改动算是大事
          • 最讨厌房客随意粉刷。每一个房客都想改颜色。走了以后留下斑斑点点根本没法补,全都得重新刷。house全部刷一次,3000打底,怎么回是小事呢?
            • 房客走了加租金,月500以上,也值,不改颜色房客住了几年也得重新刷,否则看着旧要不上价
    • 不明白和清洁公司什么关系
    • 对方是律师,除非你闲的没事干愿浪费时间,不然就给钱,move on。 +1
      • 怕啥?律师也得讲道理吧。难道不修就敢要钱?
    • 直接上法庭
    • 你也找律师询问啊,出一个律师信让他们维修以后,你退钱。
      • retainer 就 $3000 了。
        • 抗到底。全部刷一次加上厨房,远不止3000吧?
          • small claims court $5000 以下 pro se 就行。起码可以自己去 file claim,initial hearing 什么的。觉得 trial hearing 搞不掂,再找律师不迟。
            • 一个厨房连5000都不到?
          • 刷漆一般不是问题,LTB允许,如果颜色不是很crazy那也没必要一定重刷。楼主应该在更改厨房结构上做文章
            • 会有很多斑点和洞洞的,还会有很多划痕,到时候就是得重刷。如果是刷的深色的,师傅还得刷2遍,因为一遍是盖不了深色的。你得支付双倍的费用。
      • 非法押金和改动赔偿是两个case哦,大可能押金判你先退回,改动的事还远远未决。
        • 2个case,怎么可能知道哪个先,哪个后?
    • amended 草稿

      Dear [Tenant's Attorney's Name],

      I am writing to inform you that the total cost for repairing the damages to the rental property located at [Property Address], previously occupied by your client [Tenant’s Name], exceeds the damage deposit held. The repair costs have amounted to $[Total Amount], while the damage deposit is $[Deposit Amount]. Therefore, the outstanding balance your client owes is $XX00 (Restoration cost lesser damage deposit).

      We reserve the right to pursue recovery of this balance through appropriate legal channels if necessary. Moreover, I demand that both your client and your office cease and desist from making any further claims regarding this matter. Should any claim be filed in court, kindly have the summons served to me at the following address:

      [Your Name/Company Name]
      [Your Address]
      [City, State, ZIP Code]

      Additionally, I would like to remind you not to represent your family members in this case, as this is a civil matter, and your practice focuses on [insert area of law]. I am concerned that your close relationship with my opposing party may compromise your professional judgment, as it could create a conflict of interest. Therefore, I intend to request that the court disqualify you and file a motion accordingly.

      Please govern yourselves accordingly.